A Study on the Evaluation of the Suitability of Sustainable Tourism and Recreation Types in Rural Coastal Areas in The Western Black Sea Region

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Sustainability, Tourism and Recreation, Rural Coastal, Bartin


Increasing mobility and trends to enhance the tourism experience are important factors in the growth of tourism. Today, tourism is becoming the world's largest industry with both direct and indirect socio-economic impacts. Rural coastal areas offer a unique combination of tourism with the beauties of nature and the richness of local culture. Rural coastal areas are places with high touristic potential as they are home to communities that preserve their natural beauty, traditional lifestyles and local cultural heritage, but this potential needs to be assessed and managed in a sustainable manner. Protecting natural resources and the environment, controlling the intensity of tourism activities and ensuring environmental sustainability are critical factors for the long-term success of tourism in rural coastal areas. In tourism planning, it is very important to identify suitable locations in order to establish future tourism infrastructures. The aim of this study is to analyse the natural and cultural landscape features of Kızılkum village and its immediate surroundings in Bartın province, located in the Western Black Sea Region, and to evaluate them in terms of sustainable tourism and recreation potential within the framework of conservation and utilisation principles. In this context, tourism and recreation activities that may be suitable for the study area were determined in line with expert opinions, and suitable area(s) were determined by considering the evaluation criteria in line with the data obtained for eight proposed tourism and recreation activities.


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How to Cite

Tekdamar, K., & Cengiz, C. (2024). A Study on the Evaluation of the Suitability of Sustainable Tourism and Recreation Types in Rural Coastal Areas in The Western Black Sea Region. Journal of Recreation and Tourism Research, 11(1), 42–57. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10895912



Research Paper